Results for 'Anna M. Sitz'

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    Robert Ousterhout (16 January 1950 – 23 April 2023).Anna M. Sitz - 2024 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 117 (1):237-239.
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    SD-squared: On the association between semantic dementia and surface dyslexia.Anna M. Woollams, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph, David C. Plaut & Karalyn Patterson - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (2):316-339.
  3. Do You Read How I Read? Systematic Individual Differences in Semantic Reliance amongst Normal Readers.Anna M. Woollams, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph, Gaston Madrid & Karalyn E. Patterson - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  4. Cline, Erin M., Families of Virtue: Confucian and Western Views on Childhood Development: New York: Columbia University Press, 2015, 368 pages.Anna M. Hennessey - 2016 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 15 (3):467-472.
    A growing body of research in fields across the sciences has shown the profound impact that early parent-child relationships have on the physical, social, emotional and psychological developments of children. On a primary level, the architecture of a child’s brain is significantly affected by social experiences with parents and caregivers during the first three years of life. In Families of Virtue, Erin Cline addresses the importance of these findings and relates them to Chinese philosophy, exploring how early Confucian thinkers emphasized (...)
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    Stable and variable affordances are both automatic and flexible.Anna M. Borghi & Lucia Riggio - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  6.  31
    The Janus face of pluripotent stem cells – Connection between pluripotency and tumourigenicity.Anna M. Wobus - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (11):993-1002.
    Pluripotent stem cells have gained special attraction because of their almost unlimited proliferation and differentiation capacity in vitro. These properties substantiate the potential of pluripotent stem cells in basic research and regenerative medicine. Here three types of in vitro‐cultured pluripotent stem cells (embryonic carcinoma, embryonic stem and induced pluripotent stem cells) are compared in their historical context with respect to their different origin and properties. It became evident that tumourigenicity is an inherent property of pluripotent cells based on p53 down‐regulation, (...)
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    The embodied mind extended: using words as social tools.Anna M. Borghi, Claudia Scorolli, Daniele Caligiore, Gianluca Baldassarre & Luca Tummolini - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
    The extended mind view and the embodied-grounded view of cognition and language are typically considered as rather independent perspectives. In this paper we propose a possible integration of the two views and support it proposing the idea of “Words As social Tools” (WAT). In this respect, we will propose that words, also due to their social and public character, can be conceived as quasi-external devices that extend our cognition. Moreover, words function like tools in that they enlarge the bodily space (...)
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  8.  49
    The body and the fading away of abstract concepts and words: a sign language analysis.Anna M. Borghi, Olga Capirci, Gabriele Gianfreda & Virginia Volterra - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  9.  9
    Life and Letters of Hannah E. Pipe.Anna M. Stoddart - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    The writer Anna M. Stoddart published biographies of Isabella Bird and the classical scholar John Stuart Blackie before this 1908 life of the educationalist Hannah E. Pipe. Pipe was sent in 1847 to Chorlton high school, run by William Ballantyne Hodgson, who mapped out for her a teaching career. This biography was written for, and at the urging of, Pipe's ex-pupils, concerned to record her life 'before it crumbles into oblivion'. She opened her first school in Manchester, but moved (...)
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    How Do Investors Respond to Restatements? Repairing Trust Through Managerial Reputation and the Announcement of Corrective Actions.Anna M. Cianci, Shana M. Clor-Proell & Steven E. Kaplan - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (2):297-312.
    Following SOX, financial restatements increased dramatically. Prior research suggests that how investors respond to restatements, particularly those involving fraud, may mitigate or exacerbate damage suffered. We extend both accounting and management research by examining the joint effects of pre-restatement managerial reputation and the announcement of managerial corrective actions in response to a restatement on nonprofessional investors’ judgments. We find that pre-restatement managerial reputation and the announcement of managerial corrective actions jointly influence investors’ managerial fraud prevention assessments, which mediate their trust (...)
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    Effect of training focused on executive functions in preschoolers exhibiting ADHD symptoms.Anna M. Re, Agnese Capodieci & Cesare Cornoldi - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Intergenerational Transmission of Reflective Functioning.Anna M. Rosso & Cinzia Airaldi - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  13. Rafał Eysymontt (red.), Integracja i dezintegracja w krajobrazie miast..Anna M. Kłonkowska - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 15 (15/16):359-360.
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    The freedom of words: abstractness and the power of language.Anna M. Borghi - 2023 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume explores how language, and particularly abstract language, shapes our thought. Academic researchers and graduate students in philosophy of language and cognitive sciences will benefit.
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  15. Да вярваш рационално. Изследване върху обосноваността в традиционната епистемология.Anna M. Ivanova - 2020
    Книгата е посветена на проблема за обосноваността от класическата интерналистка гледна точка на епистемологията. Тя преразглежда традиционните проблеми в интерналистката рамка в по-широкия контекст на развитието в тази област през последните петдесет години.Централните проблеми в изследването се отнасят до условията на обосноваността като резултат от епистемичната оценка на вярванията с помощта на свидетелства и основания. Сред тях са проблемът за характера на свидетелствата и мястото им в процедурата на епистемична оценка, проблемите за добрите и достатъчни основания и проблемът за регреса (...)
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    The Poetics of Decadence: Chinese Poetry of the Southern Dynasties and Late Tang Periods.Anna M. Shields & Fusheng Wu - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (3):469.
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    Ignoscenda Quidem … Catullus 64 and the Fourth Georgic.Anna M. Crabbe - 1977 - Classical Quarterly 27 (02):342-.
    That Catullus’ sixty-fourth poem influenced Virgil's work has long been accepted. We approach a little nearer a resolution of the enigma of the Fourth Eclogue when we recognize epithalamian elements within it that echo not only the song of the Parcae, but also the themes of the Golden Age, of the Voyage of the Argo, and of the relations between gods and men from Catullus’ poem. Similarly, Ariadne's part in the creation of Aeneid 4, both in the ‘marriage’ scene and (...)
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    Abstract Words as Social Tools: Which Necessary Evidence?Anna M. Borghi, Claudia Mazzuca, Federico Da Rold, Ilenia Falcinelli, Chiara Fini, Arthur-Henri Michalland & Luca Tummolini - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Recent theories on abstract concepts and words (ACs), such as Words As social Tools (WAT) (Borghi et al., 2019b) and Language is an Embodied Neuroenhancement and Scaffold (LENS) (Dove, 2019) have underlined the crucial role of both sensorimotor experience and language for ACs representation and use [see Dove et al. (2020), for a comparison]. Here we focus on the WAT view. WAT highlights the role of language, sociality, and inner grounding (interoception, metacognition) for ACs. Furthermore, WAT seeks to integrate a (...)
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    Filipe Carreira da Silva, Mead and Modernity. Science, Selfhood and Democratic Poli.Anna M. Nieddu - 2011 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 3 (2).
    George H. Mead: A Therapy for the Malaise of Modernity? In his recent volume on Mead, Filipe Carreira da Silva proposes an interpretation of the pragmatist’s thought that develops through three fundamental points of reference. According to the author, science, selfhood and democratic politics constitute “the pillars” of a new approach to the problem of modernity; an approach in which the mutual interchange between these moments projects on the theoretical level a reflection of the relational...
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    Management Attempts to Avoid Accounting Disclosure Oversight: The Effects of Trust and Knowledge on Corporate Directors’ Governance Ability.Anna M. Rose & Jacob M. Rose - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (2):193-205.
    Management has the opportunity to promote self-serving accounting practices, such as earnings management, when management can effectively avoid oversight by the audit committee. This article investigates the effects of financial knowledge and dispositional trust on the ability of audit committee members to recognize management attempts to avoid full disclosure to the board and potentially deceive board members. The results of a controlled laboratory experiment with 40 experienced audit committee member participants indicate that: Audit committee members with less financial knowledge are (...)
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  21.  21
    Commentary: Weighty data: importance information influences estimated weight of digital information storage devices.Anna M. Borghi - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Affordances, context and sociality.Anna M. Borghi - 2018 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12485-12515.
    Affordances, i.e. the opportunity of actions offered by the environment, are one of the central research topics for the theoretical perspectives that view cognition as emerging from the interaction between the environment and the body. Being at the bridge between perception and action, affordances help to question a dichotomous view of perception and action. While Gibson’s view of affordances is mainly externalist, many contemporary approaches define affordances as the product of long-term visuomotor associations in the brain. These studies have emphasized (...)
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  23.  10
    Muslim Land, Christian Labor: Transforming Ottoman Imperial Subjects Into Bulgarian National Citizens, C. 1878-1939.Anna M. Mirkova - 2017 - Central European University Press.
    Focusing upon a region in Southern Bulgaria, a region that has been the crossroads between Europe and Asia for many centuries, this book describes how former Ottoman Empire Muslims were transformed into citizens of Balkan nation-states. This is a region marked by shifting borders, competing Turkish and Bulgarian sovereignties, rival nationalisms, and migration. Problems such as these were ultimately responsible for the disintegration of the dynastic empires into nation-states. Land that had traditionally belonged to Muslims—individually or communally—became a symbolic and (...)
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    The Effect of Object Type on Building Scene Imagery—an MEG Study.Anna M. Monk, Gareth R. Barnes & Eleanor A. Maguire - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Touch me if you can: The intangible but grounded nature of abstract concepts.Anna M. Borghi & Luca Tummolini - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    Thinking about what the senses cannot grasp is one of the hallmarks of human cognition. We argue that “intangible abstracta” are represented differently from other products of abstraction, that goal-derived categorization supports their learning, and that they are grounded also in internalized linguistic and social interaction. We conclude by suggesting different ways in which abstractness contributes to cement group cohesion.
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    Real Leaps in the Times of the Anthropocene.Anna M. Agathangelou - 2016 - ProtoSociology 33:58-92.
    The notions of failure and denial are co-constitutive of both “global” theory and social order. Though these concepts have been used to evoke an array of metaphors and images to under­stand the condition of international relations as a knowledge production site and in rela­tion to other social sciences, they have not been deemed pivotal for much theorizing of world politics’ events, including the “success” of a sovereign state, or the subjects and knowledge production of decolonial realities. The article critically assesses (...)
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    Defining Experience: The "Poems of Seductive Allure" (Yanshi) of the Mid-Tang Poet Yuan Zhen.Anna M. Shields - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):61-78.
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    Big-Five and Subjective Well-Being: The mediating role of Individualism or Collectivism beliefs and the moderating role of life periods.Anna M. Zalewska - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin.
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    Józef Tischner’s interpretation and praxis of phenomenology in the context of Polish society under communist regime.Anna M. Królikowska - 2019 - Studies in East European Thought 71 (4):309-329.
    Józef Tischner’s role in co-shaping the social consciousness of Polish society was significant. His axiology based on phenomenological method concerned both an individual subject and a community. A big part of his reflections was dedicated to the community with which this priest-philosopher felt the special bond. This justifies the searching for connections between Tischner’s philosophical thought and sociological characteristics of the society which he felt responsible for. The article focuses on the period of the communist rule and the so-called socialist (...)
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    Beyond the bump: ethical and legal considerations for psychologists providing services to pregnant individuals who use substances.Anna M. Maralit - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (2):89-100.
    Psychologists providing services to pregnant individuals using substances face a number of complicated ethical dilemmas, however guidance in this area is sparse. This article presents the ethical and legal issues that may arise in working with this population within the framework of the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2017). The recommendations made are designed to assist psychologists with understanding factors that contribute to substance use during pregnancy, navigating punitive policies and liability risk, and (...)
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    Coherence in political computer-mediated communication: analyzing topic relevance and drift in chat.Anna M. Martinson & Jennifer Stromer-Galley - 2009 - Discourse and Communication 3 (2):195-216.
    There is a general perception that synchronous, online chat about politics is fragmented, incoherent, and rife with ad hominem attacks because of its channel characteristics. This study aims to better understand the relative impact of channel of communication versus topic of communication by comparing chat about four different topics. Discourse analysis and coding for topic drift were applied to two hours of chat devoted to the topics of politics, auto racing, entertainment, and cancer support. Findings demonstrate that topic may have (...)
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  32. Smoke, fire and rain in Muslim Southeast Asia : environmental ethics in the time of burning.Anna M. Gade - 2019 - In Robert Thomas Rozehnal & Thomas B. Pepinsky, Piety, politics, and everyday ethics in Southeast Asian Islam: beautiful behavior. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    M. Schlick's Existentialism? Moritz Schlick and His Ethics of Youth.Anna M. Davletshina - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (3):445-456.
    The article analyzes the little-known field of philosophical studies of M. Schlick, who was traditionally considered as a scientist dealing with the problems of epistemology and philosophy of science. In the spotlight of the research is the work On meaning of Life, where the philosopher not only lays the foundation for his future work on ethics but also offers an original approach to the problem of the meaning of life, linking it with the concept of "youth". He notes that most (...)
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  34. Words as tools and the problem of abstract words meanings.Anna M. Borghi & Felice Cimatti - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 31--2304.
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    Examining the Role of Attention and Sensory Stimulation in the Attentional Repulsion Effect.Anna M. Petersson, Matthew D. Hilchey & Jay Pratt - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  36. M. Gołaszewska Estetyka możliwości. Eseje filozoficzne.Anna M. Lankosz - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 12 (12):266-268.
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  37. Reasonable doubt: Does it need its own justification.Anna M. Ivanova - 2020 - 130 Years Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-2019) - Conference Proceedings.
    In “On Certainty” Wittgenstein regards doubting as meaningful and reasonable only in a context providing language game where some background is taken for granted. Doubt, just as knowledge, should be backed up by an argument, only this time, one presenting reasons for uncertainty. Common sense propositions constitute part of the background for the arguments of doubting and because of their function and place within the system of language, they are regarded as indubitable. I discuss critically the idea of linguistically determined (...)
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    Per Tullio De Mauro: studi offerti dalle allieve in occasione del suo 80o compleanno.Anna M. Thornton, Miriam Voghera & Tullio De Mauro (eds.) - 2012 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Examining risk and resilience factors for depression: The role of self-criticism and self-compassion.Anna M. Ehret, Jutta Joormann & Matthias Berking - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (8):1496-1504.
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    “More-or-less body”: the social perception of normativity of the body in Poland.Anna M. Kłonkowska & Agnieszka Maj - 2015 - Filosofija. Sociologija 26 (2).
    The article presents results of a study aimed at exploring social concepts associated with bodily ‘normativity’ and ‘passability’: the notion of normative body weight and attitude towards over- and underweight individuals. We were particularly interested in the common concepts and notions associated with normative body weight as well as possible reasons for rejection of people whose bodies do not fall within the socially shared knowledge of what the ‘right’ body is. The article presents results of a qualita­tive, interview-based research study (...)
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  41. Przestrzenie estetyki i estetyka przestrzeni.Anna M. Kłonkowska - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 7 (7/8):252-259.
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    Die Verfügbarkeit des Lebendigen: Gaterslebener Begegnung 1999.Anna M. Wobus, Ulrich Wobus & Benno Parthier (eds.) - 2000 - Halle (Saale): Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina.
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    Race Discourses and Antiracist Practices in a Local Women's Movement.Anna M. Zajicek - 2002 - Gender and Society 16 (2):155-174.
    Increasingly, feminist scholars examine how the stability of racial hierarchies is maintained through discourse. This article explores the importance of race discourse in the construction of white women's accounts explaining their race politics. Specifically, the author examines the connections between race discourse and politics as they emerged in interviews with white women involved in a local women's movement between 1972 and 1999. The interviews revealed five discursive strategies women used to talk about race and the movement's antiracist practices. In addition, (...)
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    Why Financial Executives Do Bad Things: The Effects of the Slippery Slope and Tone at the Top on Misreporting Behavior.Anna M. Rose, Jacob M. Rose, Ikseon Suh, Jay Thibodeau, Kristina Linke & Carolyn Strand Norman - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (2):291-309.
    This paper employs theory of normal organizational wrongdoing and investigates the joint effects of management tone and the slippery slope on financial reporting misbehavior. In Study 1, we investigate assumptions about the effects of sliding down the slippery slope and tone at the top on financial executives’ decisions to misreport earnings. Results of Study 1 indicate that executives are willing to engage in misreporting behavior when there is a positive tone set by the Chief Financial Officer, regardless of the presence (...)
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    Bolstering Managers’ Resistance to Temptation via the Firm’s Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility.Cathy A. Beaudoin, Anna M. Cianci, Sean T. Hannah & George T. Tsakumis - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (2):303-318.
    Behavioral ethics research has focused predominantly on how the attributes of individuals influence their ethicality. Relatively neglected has been how macro-level factors such as the behavior of firms influence members’ ethicality. Researchers have noted specifically that we know little about how a firm’s CSR influences members’ behaviors. We seek to better merge these literatures and gain a deeper understanding of the role macro-level influences have on manager’s ethicality. Based on agency theory and social identity theory, we hypothesize that a company’s (...)
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  46.  68
    The Effects of Management’s Preannouncement Strategies on Investors’ Judgments of the Trustworthiness of Management.Anna M. Cianci & S. Kaplan - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (4):423-444.
    This paper examines the role of management's earnings preannouncements on judgments about its trustworthiness by nonprofessional investors. We predict that management's preannouncement decision and the resulting direction of the earnings surprise influence investors' ethical judgments about management's trustworthiness; these judgments, in turn, are associated with investors' other investment related judgments. We test our predictions in an experiment in which MBA students make investment-related judgments under four different preannouncement strategies. Consistent with our predictions, the results of our study show that managers' (...)
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  47.  28
    Misleading Mandates: The Null Curriculum of Genocide Education.Anna M. Yonas & Stephanie van Hover - 2024 - Journal of Social Studies Research 48 (4):243-260.
    This content analysis examines the ways that genocide is included in the high school world history content standards of eleven states with legislative mandates requiring genocide education, as well as if the content standards in those states differ from those of states without mandated genocide education. The null curriculum theorizes that the content that is not taught may be as important as what is taught; this lens allows for a nuanced analysis of the ways that genocide is included and excluded (...)
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    SD-squared revisited: Reply to Coltheart, Tree, and Saunders (2010).Anna M. Woollams, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph, David C. Plaut & Karalyn Patterson - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (1):273-281.
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    The Universal Meanings of Common Discourse.Anna M. Nieddu - 2015 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 7 (1).
    A critical and aware return to pragmatism entails a preliminary focus upon the possibility of productive communication and a possible exchange among fields of research often far apart in terms of methods and spheres of application. This difficulty is felt all the more strongly if we refer to the contested intellectual legacy of George H. Mead, one often divided between opposing and conflicting fields of investigation. In this paper, I propose a reinterpretation of his thought that I believe could operate (...)
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    Wounds and Vulnerabilities. The Participation of Special Operations Forces in Experimental Brain–Computer Interface Research.Anna M. Gielas - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-22.
    Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) exemplify a dual-use neurotechnology with significant potential in both civilian and military contexts. While BCIs hold promise for treating neurological conditions such as spinal cord injuries and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in the future, military decisionmakers in countries such as the United States and China also see their potential to enhance combat capabilities. Some predict that U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF) will be early adopters of BCI enhancements. This article argues for a shift in focus: the U.S. Special (...)
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